Learn More About What We Do
The Mississippi Association for Vocational Agriculture Teachers is an organization dedicated to supporting and advancing our agriculture teachers in Missisissippi.
Learn More About What We Do
The Mississippi Association for Vocational Agriculture Teachers is an organization dedicated to supporting and advancing our agriculture teachers in Missisissippi.
Degrees of Membership
Many levels of the FFA can award degrees of membership to that level, signifying an individual member's accomplishments. The recognized Degrees of Membership are: Discovery, Greenhand, Chapter, State and National.
Degrees of Membership
Many levels of the FFA can award degrees of membership to that level, signifying an individual member's accomplishments. The recognized Degrees of Membership are: Discovery, Greenhand, Chapter, State and National.
Degrees of Membership
Many levels of the FFA can award degrees of membership to that level, signifying an individual member's accomplishments. The recognized Degrees of Membership are: Discovery, Greenhand, Chapter, State and National.
What is FFA?
FFA is a dynamic student-led leadership development organization for students of agricultural education. The FFA changes lives and prepares students for premier leadership, personal growth and career success.
What does F-F-A stand for?
F-F-A stands for Future Farmers of America, which is the official name of the organization, but we don’t use the full name and instead operate as the “FFA” because Future Farmers of America implies that we are all preparing to be farmers. Agriculture is much broader than farming and ranching. Members study things such as horticulture, aquaculture, food sciences, accounting, wildlife management, mechanics and engineering.

A Message from the President of Mississippi FFA Foundation
For the past 44 years, the Mississippi FFA Foundation has worked to enhance the quality of FFA programs in our state. We encourage excellence in leadership development, scholastic advancement and personal growth to ensure that our students become responsible adults and achieve career success.
The Foundation is responsible for the operation of the FFA Center in Raymond and oversees a large perpetual endowment that, through its earnings, funds individual and chapter awards. A Board of Directors, consisting of six members appointed by positions and nine members elected at large, oversees the work of the Foundation.
As a 501(C)3 organization, we solicit contributions from individuals and industry to support annual programs of the Mississippi FFA Association.
We ask for your help by financial support and service opportunities to carry out our mission.
In Blue & Gold
Mark Huff